Wednesday, September 11, 2024



How reassuring to know that no matter what horrendous thing you do it will always be an accident! No matter how many people you kill it's always an accident. Even when you kill citizens of your closest ally, a simple, "Sorry! Didn't mean to," is all you need to slink guiltily away from all responsibility.

On Friday, September 6, 2024, a 26 year old Turkish-American woman, carrying no weapons other than her concern for her fellows, attended a demonstration by Palestinians against Israeli settlers who had illegally usurped land and homes of their Palestinian neighbors in the occupied West Bank. Despite this usurpation being illegal under both Israeli and International Law the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) appeared on the scene to defend,  not law, decency or common sense, but rather the usurping settlers. 

Some Palestinians threw rocks at the armed settlers and armed IDF soldiers who were up to 200 meters away. I think that we can agree that even young David needed to be much closer than 200 meters to Goliath to kill him. Still, the stone throwing became the excuse for IDF members to use deadly force. Part of that deadly response included setting up a sniper on the rooftop of one of the usurped homes. 

The first shot the sniper fired was a little off. Rather than killing a young stone thrower the bullet hit a metal dumpster(?, building?). The sniper then aimed at Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an unarmed American citizen who was not throwing rocks but was, convenient for the sniper, fully exposed. The IDF sniper then shot Ms. Eygi in the head. 

But wait! That aimed shot was an "accident". It was nothing more than a totally accidental confluence of totally unexpected events. Who could predict that a skilled sniper would bring his rifle to a demonstration? Who would believe that there would be a convenient rooftop overlooking the demonstration? And what are the chances that the sniper would find his way to that rooftop? So, the sniper just happens to be looking through his rifle's scope just at the moment that Aysenur Ezgi Eygi surprises the sniper by deliberately walking into the focus of that scope causing him to jerk the trigger?


Of course, Ms. Eygi's "accidental" murder is just one in a line of similar "accidents" perpetrated by the IDF. Time after time Israeli murderers make the slimey, transparent excuse that their crimes are purely accidental. It's rather as if Jeffrey Dahmer were to have said, "Gee, I don't know what could have happened to my neighbor. Would you like this casserole? Some kebabs?"

The toll of Americans murdered by Israeli military, police and settlers keeps climbing.

Ms. Ezgi Eygi murdered by IDF sniper on Friday, September 6, 2024. She was 26 years old.

Tawfiq Ajaq murdered by an off duty Israeli policeman and a settler on January 19, 2024. He was 17 years old.

Shireen Abu Akleh, a journalist murdered by an IDF sniper on May 11, 2022. She was 51 years old.

Rachel Corrie, a journalist clearly wearing visible press credentials crushed by an IDF bulldozer on May 16, 2003. She was 24 years old.

And then there is the worst "accident" of all. On June 8, 1967 some IDF planes and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty, a reconisance ship, killing 34 American service men and wounding 171 more. The Liberty was in international waters, clearly marked as an American ship but the Israeli Navy and Air Force "mistook" it for an Egyptian vessel.

The Israeli government has compensated the families and survivors of the Liberty with  cash but continues to pretend that the attack on the Liberty was an "accident" rather than designed to insure that Americans could never tip Egyptians off to Israel's looming surprise attack initiating the 6 Day War.

The death toll in Gaza is about to reach 41,000 with no sign of abating. The death toll in the West Bank is now over 700 and rising. But, no matter! It is all an "accident". It couldn't be other than an "accident" because Israelis are always the only ever victims of genocide, never, ever perpetrators of it. And, if the citizens of the United States happen to place themselves in the path of genocide, well, ...accidents will happen. She/He/that ship shouldn't have been there in the first place.
