Thursday, February 11, 2021



Just when I think that the Republiscum Party can't sink any lower they appall by sinking so low we're wondering if their politics rather than nuclear core meltdowns is the true "China Syndrome". 

After each appalling descent into deeper and deeper fascism hopeful newscasters opine that the Republiscum in Congress have reached a line of madness that they will not cross. The hope is that reason and decency will prevail over fascist ideology and power madness leading many Republiscum to decide that they will go no further down the anti-democratic road of insanity and blind ambition. Barely are the words out of the mouths of some otherwise sane and decent commentors than the Republiscum en masse demonstrate that there is no depth to which they will not descend.

The latest proof of Republiscum commitment to a fascist take-over of the United States is the farrago that an impeachment trial of The Orange Führer is unconstitutional. Twice now a majority of the Republiscum Senators has gone on record claiming that The Orange Führer's treason can't result in a trial for that treason. They claim this despite the fact that President Grant's Secretary of War, William Belknap, was impeached and tried by the Senate in 1876 after he had resigned his office. To be honest, Belknap's case is not a total refutation of the unconstitutionality argument because some Republiscum of the day disputed the constitutionality of the impeachment and trial at the time even after the Senate voted that Belknap could be tried and that his impeachment and trial did not violate the Constitution. Ultimately Belknap was acquitted because the Senate failed to meet the required two-thirds majority for conviction. Of the sixty-six Senators conviction required forty-four votes. Only thirty-seven, a majority but not two-thirds voted to convict him for bribery and corruption, a less than ringing endorsement of Mr. Belknap.

A group of Republiscum forty-five strong (since shrunk by just 1 to 44) voted that an office holder no longer in that office cannot be tried by the Senate for high crimes and misdemeanors simply because those crimes and misdemeanors committed while in office aren't being committed any longer. By that reasoning, Dylann Roof, the white supremacist who murdered 9 people at the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina should never have been convicted and imprisoned because he's stopped killing people after those 9.

 I suppose it would be rude to note that these same Republiscum who feel that The Orange Führer must evade all responsibility are members of the party of "personal responsibility". That means that people who have neither boots nor the money to buy boots should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps while a criminal president who tried to end American democracy shouldn't be held responsible for his actions in inciting a riot. That's pretty much the same as deciding that $1,400 more to individuals in fear of losing their homes and not being able to feed their children are ballooning the deficit while tossing a few superfluous millions to millionaires so that they can redecorate the ski lodge in Aspen is an investment in growing the economy.

Of course, some of these Republiscum are the same scum who acquitted the traitorous Orange Führer of obvious treason in 2020 and supported a challenge to the accurate and correct votes of the Electoral College, encouraged The Orange Führer's attempted coup on January 6th and who supported Supreme Court nominees who just decided that, "Meh! Emoluments, smoluments! So what if it's a crime specifically designated in our Constitution. Just fogeddabout it!"

I have long said that the only good Republiscum is a dead Republiscum. I mean no personal or physical harm to the current Republiscum. What I did mean is that there were plenty of good Republicans in the past - Abraham Lincoln, Robert M. LaFollette, Margaret Chase Smith, Millicent Fenwick, Elliott Richardson and William Ruckleshaus are names that immediately spring to mind. Of course, I was wrong. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and several other office holders turn out to have moral compasses that can't be bought or threatened out of existence. Still we have examples aplenty at the national level of Senators and Congresspersons who are unworthy of their offices and the public trust. Specifically the 7 who supported the invasion of the Capitol and the attempt to undermine certification of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' win by the Electoral College.

For example, there's Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri the first senator to endorse throwing out the certified votes of the Electoral College who saluted the insurrectionist thugs on January 6th and supported the lie that there were election irregularities that should overturn the vote of the people to give The Orange Führer at least another 4 years in the White House and possibly make him and his vile kin America's hereditary monarchy. 

There's also Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (where else!, except Alabama or Mississippi). Ted is such a vile waste of oxygen that most of his Republiscum colleagues hate him. Imagine that! A pretense of a human being so awful that even the scum of the earth think he's scum! As if that weren't enough, some of the seditionists who assaulted the Capitol on January 6th were rifling through senators' desks and planning to bring their finds to Ted Cruz.

Florida has placed 2 neo-fascist prizes in the Senate. There's Rick Scott who looks and acts like one of the invasive, tropical snakes infesting the Everglades. The difference between Rick Scott and one of those invasive snakes is that the snakes have some principles.

His bookend is Marco Rubio who doesn't know his position on anything until a lobbyist writes it on his hand as a reminder. I include Rubio here though he did not vote against certifying the Electoral College vote. He has since sought to justify the insurrection and absolve The Orange Führer claiming that impeaching a man who tried to end American democracy is "stupid". 

From Alabama we have Tommy Tuberville whose only qualifications for public office are being football coach, a right wing loonie who's played too many football games without a helmet and a football coach. Sen. Tuberville, to be fair, has a disability: bad weather affects his ability to read. Did I mention that he's a football coach? (nota bene: I despise footfall, not Colin Kaepernick and the many players who knelt during the national anthem to show their ire and disappointment at the way African-Americans are treated, just the game itself) 

From Mississippi we have Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, a racist Ms. Hyde without a single iota of mitigating Dr. Jeckyll. 

What's the matter with Kansas? Well one festering, suppuration is Sen. Roger Marshall who still supports the lies and conspiracy idiocy that continue to infect our nation.

From Wisconsin we have Sen. Ron Johnson  who became the 2nd neo-fascist senator to sign on to overthrowing American democracy. Sen. Johnson has also gone on record claiming that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom the insurrectionists on January 6th were trying to find and hang, was responsible for the attempted putsch by supporters of The Orange Führer.

Beside these traitorous senators 139 members of the U. S. House of Representatives supported overturning the will of the people to keep The Orange Führer in power. Of those, the majority came from the states of the old Confederacy. That is not at all surprising since those are the most racist states where CHRISTIAN evangelicalism is the strongest and, hence, ignorance is most prevalent. Other significant numbers of traitors came from the old border states of Kentucky, Missouri and Kansas, the deep Bible belt state of Oklahoma and the neo-Nazi dominated state of Idaho. We also must not forget Indiana, the home state of Mike Pence and the only midwestern state to have surpassed most southern states in Ku Klux Klan membership. Then there is also Pennsylvania which was the scene of the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. President George Washington personally led troops in putting down that insurrection. More recently James Carville's accurately assessed the state as "Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and Alabama in between." I have some familiarity with Pennsylvania and consider Carville's characterization more apt than not.

I am being somewhat unfair in painting whole states with the neo-fascist tar brush but only somewhat. We have some scum who truly stand out as lower than a rattlesnake's belly and many times as poisonous to our democracy. The stand outs at the moment some of whom I need to list because they are so richly deserving of our disdain.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, (R-Ga-14) Ms. Greene is the QAnonsense nutcase who thinks that pretending that the mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut and Parkland, Florida either didn't happen or were the work of pro-gun control advocates trying to make the NRA look bad. Of course, like most lunatics, Taylor Greene doesn't understand that the NRA does a perfectly adequate job of making itself look bad without any help from outside. Ms. Taylor Greene, thanks to her entirely imaginary knowledge of physics, believes that space lasers rather than climate change are responsible for wildfires in California and is a vocal proponent of killing many of her House colleagues as well as a supporter of the traitors who invaded the Capitol on January 6th. She may be the most perfect representation of the Republiscum Party on the national scene.

Lauren Boebert, (R-Co-3) Rep. Boebert's initial act on becoming a Congressperson was to publish a video of her touring Washington, D. C. illegally carrying a pistol. Of course, once it was noted that her lunatic expression of a 2nd Amendment "right" she didn't have was to say that she actually didn't carry the firearm she was shown carrying in her video. I'm sure that she's a great proponent of "personal responsibility"...for others.

Madison Cawthorn, (R-NC-11) Mr. Cawthorn is paralyzed from the waist down and gets about in a wheelchair. He has claimed that big, macho Madison would have been fine during the Capitol putsch on January 6th because he was armed on the floor of the House, a place where firearms are prohibited thanks to several nasty incidents in the 19th Century. Mr. Cawthorn lately has taken great umbrage at having to pass through metal detectors before entering the floor of the House that were placed at the entrance specifically to keep lunatics like Mr. Cawthorn, Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene from shooting some fellow Congressperson that they dislike. Mr. Cawthorn also likes to pad his resume by claiming that he's trained for the Special Olympics when he's done no such thing.

Matt Gaetz, (R-Fl-1) has publicly asserted that he is so totally committed to The Orange Führer that he could be mistaken for a pimple on The Orange Führer's ample ass. Don't we elect representatives to represent the people of their district, not suck up to one, failed dictator?

Mo Brooks, (R-Al-5) I think that the only thing we need to say about Rep. Brooks is to note that fellow neo-fascist, Ali Alexander, has claimed that Brooks, along with Paul Gosar (see below)  and Andy Biggs (see also below) helped organize the attempted putsch on January 6, 2021

Paul Gosar, (R-Az-4) Mr. Gosar was the first to object to certifying the votes of the Electoral College but even more than that his 6 siblings recorded advertisements during his election campaign urging voters to reject Mr. Gosar because he is such a vile human being. If your brothers and sister consider you unfit for public office maybe you really are unfit for public office. Mr. Gosar's behavior since the election has only underlined how correct his siblings were.

Devin Nunes, (R-Ca-22) Mr. Nunes' claim to fame is his investigation of the non-scandal at Benghazi, Libya. Mr. Nunes kept his "investigation" going long enough to help insure Hillary Clinton's electoral loss in 2016, then forgot all about it. Of course legitimate investigations had already found that Secretary Clinton could not have saved the American killed in Benghazi, but facts have never interfered with Mr. Nunes' sucking up to The Orange Führer. Oh! I almost forgot, Rep. Nunes, after a confidential briefing hopped out of a moving car to bring confidential information to The Orange Führer in the White House.

Kevin McCarthy, (R-Ca-23) Mr. McCarthy is the House minority leader. As such he has authority over the committee assignments of his fellow members. If there were no other reason to find Mr. McCarthy a walking, talking obscenity he assigned Marjorie Taylor Greene to the House Education and Labor Committee despite the fact that she has claimed that the mass murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and Marjory Stonemen Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida were perpetrated not by the actual perpetrators but by some mythical group that is simply trying to make the NRA look bad. She has also stalked and harassed David Hogg, a student who survived the shooting and became a gun control advocate.

Steve Scalise, (R-La-1) Mr. Scalise survived serious injury from a Leftist shooter in June, 2017. Let me state clearly that I oppose the death penalty in legal proceedings and even more strongly oppose anyone shooting people with whose politics he disagrees. Removal from office, banning from office for the rest of the person's life and imprisonment for crimes are the remedies I prefer. That said, Rep. Scalise hasn't done anything to make me feel that he's simply a Republican rather than Republiscum. He supported The Orange Führer's claims of election fraud and the attempted decertification of the Electoral College ballots. Scum is still scum.

Jim Jordan, (R-Oh-4) Mr. Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University from 1987 to 1995 during which time Dr. Richard Strauss, the team and student body doctor, serially sexually abused many of the 177 students whom he treated  during those years. The University was aware of Dr. Strauss' abuse and allowed it to continue. Despite credible testimony by several of the abused students that Mr. Jordan was also aware of the abuse and did nothing to stop it, Mr. Jordan claimed that he knew nothing of the abuse. Then Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, squelched an investigation of Rep. Jordan by the House Ethics Committee on the grounds that (this may sound a little familiar) that the criminal behavior happened before he was elected to the U. S. House. So Republiscum believe that criminal behavior (suborning sexual abuse of young men) before being elected to public office and criminal behavior while in office (suborning insurrection against the Federal government and attempting to overthrow American democracy) once one has left public office simply can't be investigated and punished. (poor, "innocent" Dylann Roof!)

Louie Gohmert, (R-Tx-1) Ah! What a piece of work is Rep. Gohmert! There has never been an idiot accusation or conspiracy that Louie Gohmert doesn't accept, hug to his bosom and spout like a backed up sewer. Rep. Gohmert signed onto the Texas v. Pennsylvania law suit that the Supreme Court dismissed once even The Orange Führer's appointees found it inappropriate. Not satisfied, Loopy Louie filed a suit against Mike Pence which was dismissed even faster as just plain stupid.

Andy Biggs (R-Az-5) Rep. Biggs has so much in common with his fellow Arizonan, Paul Gosar. They both tried to overthrow the 2020 election results. They both challenged the Electoral College ballots and, after January 6th, his brother's William and Daniel called for his removal from office. He has also claimed that the attempted putsch on January 6th, which he helped to encourage, was the work of "antifa". There's that "personal responsibility" again!

The Senate Republiscum are currently on track to acquit The Orange Führer in this his second impeachment trial. Please don't mistake their flag lapel pins for patriotism. The senators who vote against convicting The Orange Führer are voting against American democracy, against our Constitution, against their oaths of office and against reason and decency. Acquitting The Orange Führer gives an imprimatur to his attempt to overthrow our government that, we can be sure, another Republiscum candidate for president will use in another putsch attempt which may be successful and result in the end of democratic and Constitutional government in the United States. If 67 senators do not vote to convict The Orange Führer democracy in America will die after 233 years. I wish I could say that the Republiscum cannot sink that low.

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