Monday, August 23, 2021

The Idiot Opposition I Can Deal With; It's the Assholes Who Are With Me That Are The Problem


As a high school and college student, I was expelled from many left wing groups. I was not some right wing gadfly in their lefty ointment. Actually I was expelled or simply not invited back because I kept seeing the absurdity or outright wrong in their positions. Often I was too far left for the group. Even more often I'd get nixed because I pointed out some nonsense they were spouting by laughing it all the way out the door, that is my exit, not that of the stupid idea.

Back in 2016, as a delegate to my county's Democratic Convention, I was involved in a debate over a party platform plank regarding discrimination. A lady from one community was adamant that the plank had to delineate ad nauseam every sub and sub-sub-group of those who could be discriminated against unfairly. Her heart was in the correct place but she was engaging in a kind of rhetorical overkill. Another woman, a solid Democrat (else why would she be a convention delegate?) rose to object saying, "But I don't want to outlaw all discrimination. I want to discriminate against the people I don't like." Without meaning to she had summarized the whole history of discrimination in 2 sentences. I did my best to stifle my shocked guffaw and took the microphone to say that her caveat was not exactly what we want in the platform. I wasn't thrown out but she did look daggers at me.

Now we have a lunatic fringe that denounces public health on the very thin reasoning that they should not be required to...

...wear a mask in public if they don't want to

...get vaccinated against a deadly disease if they don't want to

...avoid large gatherings if they don't want to anything they don't want to

I have 3 daughters all of whom are long since grown to adulthood with families of their own. Yet when my daughters were 2 and 3 years old I didn't tolerate that behavior from them nor should we tolerate such 2 and 3 year old attitudes from people who are posing as adults. In fact, I told one of my daughters, when she was almost 3 years old and throwing a tantrum because she didn't want to do something that the rest of the family was about to do, "I love you. Daddy will always love you no matter what but you are 2 if you want to be 3, do what I tell you." She didn't quite understand how I could prevent her up coming birthday, but it puzzled her enough that the tantrum stopped and she complied.

Here we are in the second year of a pandemic with a renewed surge of a new variant of the virus and the 2 and 3 year olds among us are throwing tantrums over being asked to wear masks in public, get vaccinated and avoid large gatherings with strangers whose vaccination and infection status they have no way of knowing. These willful and stupid infants don't think clearly enough to understand that their overwhelmingly idiotic behavior is what is causing the Covid-19 virus to spread and mutate. They are the reason that masking and avoiding large gatherings is necessary.

These petty, selfish infants, regardless of age, have come up with many excuses for not getting vaccinated. They insist that the vaccine has made them magnetic, made men sterile by killing of sperm, includes a microchip so that Bill Gates can personally track every one of the millions of people who've been vaccinated, isn't safe because it hasn't received full approval from the Food and Drug Administration which, by the way, they think is in thrall to satan worshiping, child sex trafficers who steal the child's 1)essence, 2)blood, 3) vital organs, 4)something else unspecified while wearing red high heels so that the FDA can't be believed even when they do fully approve a vaccine after millions of harmless injections have been made.

It's like the 2 year old screaming, "You say we're going to get ice cream but there isn't any ice  cream I like in the whole wide world except strawberry that NOBODY HAS!" Objecting that the supermarket down the street has freezers full of ice cream including strawberry makes no difference in the mind of that 2 year old who stubbornly won't take a cone of strawberry ice cream offered because it's "not the right kind of strawberry."

To get to the point, I now believe that our society is well within its rights to protect the majority of the population by chase down every anti-vaxxer 2 year old of any age, restrain him or her and pump that person's arm full of vaccine. I am also for crazy gluing masks to the faces of those brats when they are in public.

Also, to bring this diatribe full circle, I am for gagging my friends on the left and craven dunces in the mass media for giving any credence to the infants' arguments. No more pussy footing around the unestablished rights of individuals to put the health of community after community at risk simply because these idiots look like rational individuals when they regularly demonstrate that they are not.

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. wrote that, "My right to throw my fist ends at the other person's nose." The idiot 2 year olds right to go unvaccinated and unmasked ends at the virus I might inhale. To that end, I think that the anti-vaxxers and unmasked have no special rights at all and that good Liberal folks who might think that the idiots have a point, should shut the hell up and help hold the idiot down while someone vaccinates them.

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