Saturday, June 1, 2024



     Donald John Trump, Failed Orange Führer and former United States president, is now a convicted felon. He has been a felon for decades but, heretofore, was not convicted. His fervent supporter, Lauren Boebert (R-Total Insanity) opined that her Führer was a victim of "communism". Trump himself has claimed that he is a victim of "fascism". In both cases the terms are misapplied. Boebert uses "communism" as a dirty word because she does not understand what communism is. She also does not care to find out given her consummate willful ignorance. Trump uses "fascism" because he fully understands what fascism is and continues his congenital accusation of claiming that his current object of derision is guilty of what he is and intends.

    I'll get back to "communism" shortly but first I want to clarify what fascism actually is. According to Merriam-Webster, "fascism is a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized, autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oposition."

        Trump has specifically claimed that he intends to exercise dictatorial powers should he be elected president again. He regularly speaks of imposing extreme economic controls through limits on trade and reducing taxes on the wealthy people of which he is one. He also demands limits on his opposition such as demonstrators and opponents (e.g. "Lock her up!"). Also worth noting at this point is Trump's penchant for claiming that others are guilty of crimes of which he, himself is actually guilty (e.g. claiming that he is the victim of the fascism which he intends to impose on his opponents).

    Now, let's return to communism and the Merriam-Webster definition which identifies it, as beginning with a lower case "c", "a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed." And, as  beginning with an upper case "C", "a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production." The communism which we see today was codified by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in The Communist Manifesto published in 1848 and subsequently modified by Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky and others associated with the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequently, the Soviet Union.

    For decades American Evangelicals have been indoctrinated with the farrago that communism and fascism are the same. That false concurrence starts with the fact that both philosophies are totalitarian. Also, these contemporary Christo-Fascists make much of the fact that what we commonly call the Nazi Party's actual, official name was the Nationalsozialistische Arbiterpartei (National Socialist Worker's Party. The evangelical fascists want their congregations to notice that the Nazis called themselves "socialists" and ignore the fact that any person or group may call itself what it likes while its actions determine its true nature. The claim to be a "Worker's Party" ignores the fact that its general membership came from the working class but that it's leadership and financial backing came primarily from the old, established classes of the nobility and very wealthy. The promoters of Christo-Fascism, like Trump, want to erase the idea that their fascist, ultra-right wing movement is nearly identical to that of the German Nazi Party of the 1920s through 1945 and it's remnants down to today. American White Supremacy, promoted by Trump, is almost indistinguishable from the German racial purity, Aryan Supremacy promoted by the Nazi Party.

    Thus we have the Failed Orange Führer naming his opponents "fascists"when he is, ipso facto, himself an actual fascist. We have, too, a woman and Congressperson of unfathomable depths of ignorance naming her Führer a victim of "communism" when it's obvious that all she knows of communism is that it's a "bad word".

    Calling the Democratic Party "communist" or even "socialist" is incorrect, a misnomer. If nothing else, one must consider the overwhelming Federal resources that the Biden Administration has offered to business interests for job creation, to manufacturing in businesses new and old. Still, I would suggest that, in one tenuous sense, Rep. Boebert is correct. If the communist axiom of "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" may be applied to the American justice system at last, the New York jury's decision in Trump's hush money trial shows that Donald Trump, according to his ability to violate law and tradition, received the conviction that he so absolutely needed.

    I fervently hope that the Failed Orange Führer continues to fail and is rejected on next November 5th even more overwhelmingly than he was in 2020. His rejection is essential for the United States to continue as a democracy. I also fervently hope that, once again rejected at the polls, his most vicious, lunatic supporters do not repeat the insurrection of January 6, 2021. Further, I fervently hope that Trump's sycophants on the Supreme Court and Judge Aileen Cannon allow his other Federal trials to proceed to whatever verdict his peers deliver. Despite what the Failed Orange Führer and the fools who follow him would have everyone believe, Donald John Trump is not a victim of any philosophy or conspiracy. Donald John Trump is, by definition, not a victim of fascists or communists. He is, by definition, the victim of his own crimes and now adjudged a felon by the American people.

    It's about damned time!

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