Saturday, August 31, 2024



    So a young man whose motives, as of this writing now weeks past the shooting, are unknown tried shooting The Failed Orange Führer on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Immediately J. D. Vance of Ohio blamed Joe Biden/Democrats/The Left for inciting the violence visited upon his Dear Leader.

    Aw! Come ON!

    First, a Liberal (Liberal, not Radical Leftist) with a gun is almost as believable as kitten with a gun, possible if you really, really stretch your very strange imagination, but all but incomprehensible.

    Second, the shooter has been identified as a loner who is registered as a Republiscum voter. In other words, someone not very likely to be motivated by Joe Biden/Democrats/The Left. Which candidate is it again who calls for jailing and executing rivals? Now where have I heard lots of rhetoric about "bloodbaths", "uprising", "take back our country"? I don't think it was from my Lefty friends, even the radicals.

    Third, I despise The Failed Orange Führer. I do not hate him. I hate everything he stands for but not that despicable scum himself. I have been saying since 2016 at least that the last exhibit in the The Failed Orange Führer Presidential Library should be the jail cell in which he spends the last years of his miserable, criminal life. I do not want The Failed Orange Führer to achieve the martyrdom that he so undeservedly affects. No. This despicable shit stain on American history deserves to live out his life shorn of his golden penthouses, estates, self-labeled buildings and his sleasily accumulated wealth. I want him eating prison food and, in my darker moments, serving as the bitch of a muscled, 275 pound undocumented Mexican lifer - I'm thinking Danny Trejo with young Arnold Schwartzenegger's body - who hasn't had any sexual relief in the last decade except from his own, preferred hand. That is my darkest wish for The Failed Orange Führer. Long life like that to him!

    I am also absolutely certain that the vast majority of my Lefty fellows would giggle a little and then tell me how awful a person I am and disown me emphatically. 

    Now, I ask you to contrast my dark demise for this despicable person with the litany of violent rhetoric spewed by The Failed Orange Führer from "Lock her up!" to "Grab them by the pussy." to "Some, I assume, are good people." to "Stop the steal!" to "poisoning the blood of our country" to "I am your retribution." to "in four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote." Let's take that in the context of his proven false arguments that the 2020 election was "stolen" from him when The Failed Orange Führer insisted that his phony election fraud claims "allow for the termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution." King Donald the 1st anyone? Our successful Führer? His Highness, Fearless Leader, President-for-Life Bone Spurs?

    No, I don't wish him dead...right away. I just want him imprisoned and abused, forgotten and obscure, dying alone in his prison cell noticed by a dwindled cult that often forgets to send a card on his birthday. Were I a religious person, I would find a church in which I could light a candle as I pray for his long, lonely demise.












































































































Friday, August 23, 2024



    Robert Francis Kennedy, Junior has suspended his pointless presidential campaign and endorsed The Failed Orange Führer in that felon's run to become a successful Führer for what would quickly become our failed democracy.

    I think it is not unreasonable to say that Bobby's father, Robert Francis Kennedy, Senior would have hired Sirhan Sirhan before endorsing George Wallace or Richard Nixon.

    The bulk of the discussion following RFK, Jr's announcement has centered on what he brings to the current presidential campaign other than shame and embarrassment.  Let's consider that for a moment.

    Bobby, Jr. made his name as an environmental lawyer who has now endorsed the poster child for polluters.

    The scion of the family most associated with the Democratic Party has endorsed The Failed Orange Führer whom even many Republicans can't stomach.

    What could possibly inspire this bizarre turn of events? A brain worm, if you'll pardon the pun, comes to mind but that seems too facile an answer. I am going to speculate since I don't know RFK, Jr and have no evidence for my speculation, yet it seems that he has an animus toward the Democratic Party. Why might that be? Perhaps it could be that RFK, Jr harbored some thought that he should be the party's nominee for the presidency. Perhaps he feels that he has inherited a leadership mantle that he didn't deserve. Has he ever paid attention to the term "nepo-baby"? Up-starts like the Clintons and Barack Obama capture the notice of party members in preference to him and the boy-who-would-be-king is left with a speaking problem, anti-vaccination conspiracies, a brain worm and some weirdness with a dead bear. Perhaps it seems unfair to him. Perhaps it seems to us that we have dodged that lunatic bullet.

    In 1980, RFK, Jr's uncle, Edward Kennedy, drove a resounding nail into the coffin of the Kennedy family's political ambitions by being unable to make an extempore case for his candidacy. The untimely death of John F. Kennedy, Jr. drove in another nail and now RFK, Jr. has killed the political careers of every member of his family for at least another generation. Personally, I'm sorry to see that. Every large family is allowed one crazy member whom they usually keep locked in an attic. RFK Jr's failing is that he's been allowed to roam free. Yet it does allow a future generation of Kennedys to chart their own courses perhaps one of which may be leadership in the Democratic Party. I wish saner members of the Kennedy family well  but that nail he's driven so firmly home today seals RFK Jr's own coffinas well as the family's immediate fate.

    In her acceptance address, Kamala Harris noted, quite correctly, that The Failed Orange Führer is an "unserious man". Today, RFK, Jr has announced that he is even more of an "unserious man" than the fascist he's endorsed.

August 30, 2024 -

    More information came to light in the past week that moves me to pity RFK, Jr. a little, only a little. In endorsing The Failed Orange Führer, RFK, Jr. or his worm-damaged brain has allowed himself to be conned by The Failed Orange Führer. First, he's been offered a possible cabinet post. The offer itself is probably bullshit. We all know how quickly The Failed Orange Führer renegs on promises. Still he made Ben Carson HUD Secretary so it's possible that RFK, Jr. could find some hope in that.

    What has moved me to pity is that The Failed Orange Führer apparently promised to release all the government files on the assassinations of RFK, Jr's father and uncle. I see that as a baited lure just as it is also a wild goose chase, The murders of President John and Senator Robert Kennedy have been investigated and reinvestigated most importantly by the Congressional Committee led by Senator Frank Church in the 1970s. The likelihood of some dark secret lurking in those files is pretty slim but is an undeniable draw for a loyal, disturbed son and nephew who is inclined to conspiracy fantasies. That I find sad and pitiable while also finding RFK, Jr's endorsement all the more appalling because it's been bought by false hope, mental distress and vicious manipulation.