Friday, January 8, 2021

JANUARY 6, 2021


On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, we saw American Fascism express itself in Washington, D. C. in terms so obvious and unequivocal that only the Fascists themselves could ignore it. The Orange Führer and his lunatic minions stormed the United States Capitol and were allowed in. The Orwellian nature of the mob of rioters was striking. For these QAnonsense cultists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, secessionists, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, and Republiscum hate of their government is love of their fantasy of country, overthrow of the government is patriotism, authoritarian Fascism is the true Constitutional government, allegiance to The Orange Führer is the true expression of representative democracy.

For years the neo-Fascist media at Fox, Sinclair, OANN and others have vilified the anti-fascist movement (Antifa) while exalting The Orange Führer and the Republiscum who enabled him. Those same neo-Fascist outlets are now expressing the lie that the scum who invaded the U. S. Capitol weren't really supporters of The Orange Führer but rather Antifa anarchists who masqueraded as right-wing scum. In the 1931 movie Monkey Business, Groucho Marx, trying to convince a witness that he hasn't seen what actually just transpired asks, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" That was supposed to be a joke 90 years ago. It's not a joke anymore or at least I'm not laughing.

Well, who are you going to believe, the neo-Fascist scum like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Janine Piro, and Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Alec Jones, Rash Lamebrain, and their vile ilk or your "lying" eyes that saw the right-wing rioters and traitors invade and vandalize the Capitol?

Who are you going to believe, the husband who loved Ashli Babbitt and supported her lunatic views, or the police officer who was confronted by a screaming, fanatic rioter and shot her to protect the people's House from her irrational rage stoked by the lies of a conman, The Orange Führer?

Who are you going to believe, The Orange Führer and his lunatic fringe minions like Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell or the courts that have carefully reviewed the accusations backed by nary a single shred of evidence that there was malfeasance in counting votes and found those claims to be appalling and false?

Who are you going to believe, The Orange Führer who tried to get Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to engage in vote fraud or Secretary Raffensperger who took his oath of office seriously and refused to commit fraud at the insistence of The Orange Führer?

Who are you going to believe, the 147 members of Congress who attempted a treasonous coup by challenging the votes of the American people or the 81,283,098 citizens who repudiated The Orange Führer and said that they had had enough of nepotism, treason, malfeasance and incompetence from The Orange Führer?

Who are you going to believe, the Constitution and laws of our nation or a Republiscum Party that perverts and violates the Constitution and those laws with every breath they individually and collectively take?

Make no mistake in considering the riot at the U. S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, the flags that extolled The Orange Führer, the Confederate flags, the Don't Tread On Me flags waved by the mob at the Capitol had nothing to do with America or American patriotism or history. They were a farrago, a substitute for the Nazi flag and its swastika that would have flown over our country had The Orange Führer and his imbecile mob succeeded in their attempted coup.

For that crime against our Constitution every one of the 147 Congresspersons who sought a legislative coup should be removed from office forthwith and banned from ever holding political office at any level for the rest of their lives. For his crimes too numerous to list The Orange Führer and his vile offspring and minions should spend the rest of their miserable, vicious lives in jail cells as traitors to our nation too dangerous to be allowed to see the light of day except in a prison exercise yard.

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