Friday, January 15, 2021



Wrong! This is precisely who we are. Some of us always and all of us at our worst.

The attempted coup by Fascists and right wing groups allied to The Orange Führer on January 6, 2021 is precisely who they are. The scum who caused five deaths in threatening our elected legislators are precisely the Nazis that marched through Skokie, Illinois more than four decades ago and the Nazis that marched through Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. The scum who attempted to end our democracy are precisely the people who hid and supported Eric Robert Rudolph, Olympic Park bomber and assassin. The scum who invaded our Capitol are precisely the people who bombed the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The scum who sought a coup to make The Orange Führer  president for another term and possibly for life are precisely the traitors and tax evaders who incited the stand offs at Ruby Ridge, the Bundy Ranch and the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. 

These scum are not patriots. Regardless of what flags they wave, they are not supporters of American democracy. It is a desecration of our flag to see these insurrectionists carrying American flags as if they supported what that flag stands for, a united nation.

I have noted several times in the past that Dr. Samuel Johnson, in his Dictionary of the English Language, defined Patriotism as "the last refuge of a scoundrel." A century later Ambrose Bierce noted Dr. Johnson's definition but insisted that, on the contrary, "it is the first." The traitors and insurrectionists on January 6th proved Bierce's gloss on Dr. Johnson. Although we must note that the grinning idiot Orange Führer hugging a flag is the paradigm for his imbecile minions waving a banner they too insult by their actions.

Many of my political stripe have thumped, foolishly, for elimination of the Electoral College. I understand their frustration because a 110 year old refusal to reapportion the House of Representatives based on a Census that showed that most Americans live in urban areas has biased the House and the Electoral College toward rural states. However, a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate the Electoral College is treating the symptom rather than the disease. The U. S. House needs to be reapportioned, as the Constitution intended, to account for the 340% increase in our population since the 1910 Census. The Electoral College is a part of our Constitution because its framers had a healthy mistrust of rabble rousers like The Orange Führer. To guard against such would-be dictators they created an alternate means of confirming election results to prevent the presidency from falling into the hands of demagogues of which there were plenty in their time and midst.

The United States of America is a great nation. Contrary to the message on The Orange Führer's red baseball caps, this 45th president has sullied the nation and its reputation worldwide. The Orange Führer and his Republiscum minions have made our nation more vile and venal, a nation to be pitied and derided, an example of how not to treat people both citizens and immigrants. That is not anything like patriotism. Wearing a flag lapel pin as one tears down our democracy is not patriotism. White supremacy is not patriotism. Supporting a would-be dictator and insurrectionist is not patriotism. Attacks on people of other religious faiths is not patriotism. Vilifying the duly elected representatives of the people  and exalting those who participate in insurrection is not patriotism. Fomenting dissention and discord on the public airwaves is not patriotism.

We cannot hide behind the easy disclaimer that "This not who we are!" It is exactly who some of us are. It is exactly who some 74 million of us are. If we refuse to confront the fact that many of us are these racist, vicious lunatics who would bring down our democracy in loyalty to on single con man then the next would be Führer may succeed in destroying everything that our nation has stood for for nearly 250 years. Should we allow that to happen by not rooting out the disease in our population, this will certainly be who we all are like it or not.

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