Sunday, January 10, 2021



First, let's understand the term. Fascism is a right-wing authoritarian political philosophy which melds corporations and the state. It opposes unions, workers' rights, free speech, democratic government, a free press, an independent judiciary and all education which is not in service to the state. The term was coined by Benito Mussolini who became the Fascist Party's Dictator of Italy in 1922. Adolph Hitler's Nazis were Fascists as was the Spanish government of Generalissimo Francisco Franco. World War II was started in Europe by Fascist Axis powers of Germany and Italy. Britain, free military forces representing many countries conquered by the Nazis and, eventually, the United States fought Fascism in Europe during the war that lasted from September 1, 1939 to May 8, 1945. A slightly different species of Fascism was practiced by Japan in the period from July 7, 1937 to September 2, 1945. World War II in the Pacific officially ended on October 14, 1945.

For decades the Republiscum Party and its toadies in neo-Fascist media (e.g. Fox, Sinclair, OANN, Rash Lamebrain, Glenn Beck, Alec Jones and others) and right-wing fundamentalist religious fanatics have been brain washing their adherents with the farrago that Communism and Fascism are both left-wing political philosophies. They insist that because Communism is a spin-off of Socialism and the Nazis called themselves the Natzionalische Socialistische Partei (National Socialist Party) that Communism, Socialism and Fascism are all the same. That assertion is patently false. Russian, Chinese and several other forms of Communism are or have been Totalitarian (the state, usually in the form a a single strong man, is all powerful in Totalitarian states) as was Italy under Benito Mussolini and Germany under Adolph Hitler, the authoritarianism and violent tactics are the same but the similarity ends there. The Republiscum Party has given itself over to Fascism wholeheartedly since the end of World War II. Those who would say otherwise are either uninformed or incapable of thinking for themselves.

I am proud to say that my father and my Uncle Eddy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George C. Marshall, Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill were all anti-Fascists.

One of the main characteristics of a Fascist government is it's readiness to set aside law and even common decency to achieve and maintain power. Murder, mob rule, vigilantism, assassinations, all outside the law and usually in flagrant opposition to established law, are Fascism's hallmarks. Usually this lawlessness is carried out in service to some special hero/strong man. Which brings me to a series of shows on NetFlix that I have been watching with some pleasure but great trepidation recently.

As a boy, I was a DC Comics lover. I had a huge stack to Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern comics as well as their spin-offs like Jimmy Olsen, Supergirl et al. I wasn't much of a Marvel Comics fan at all. Still, here I am, an old man, in a universe that Marvel Comics dominates.

Not surprisingly at all as a pre-teen I was fascinated by superhero comic books. Every child feels powerless. Children must do as parents say. Even the best of parents deny their children agency to some degree. That denial is the nature of parenting while rebellion against that denial, sometimes in the pages of a superhero comic book, is the nature of the growing child. I would suggest that all fascination with superheroes is a function of feelings of powerlessness.

In July, 2020 I heard some good things about the series Jessica Jones so I started watching it and fell in love with Kristen Ritter, the damned good actress who plays the conflicted, post-traumatic stressed Jessica brilliantly. I like the fact that Jessica is very down scale, distressed and wary of her super power that is also pretty limited. I watched the whole 3 seasons of the series before finding out that it was one part of a larger Marvel universe that includes the ethically and morally ambivalent Daredevil, the invulnerable Luke Cage, the rich boy turned Kung Fu monk, Danny Rand aka The Iron Fist and the vengeful, violent ex-Marine, Frank Castle, The Punisher. I have viewed the whole series and become increasingly anxious about my country while doing so.

So how can Captain America, who started out fighting the Nazis, be a fascist or any of these characters be such? Let's take a look.

Each of these characters is him or herself a "strong man" who carries out his or her vengeance/actions in furtherance of his or her individual goals. That those goals are established as "the good of society" is a tissue thin distraction. Adolph Hitler murdered between 9 and 12 million people in concentration camps for what he claimed was "the good of society".

Each of these characters fights some sort of super-villain whose over-the-top viciousness makes an over-the-top response logical and even necessary. Let me return to Chancellor Hitler for a moment and note that "The Eternal Jew" (The Ewige Jude) was his super-villain that made "The Final Solution" codified by the Wansee Conference, logical and, to these fascist scum, necessary.

Democracy, literally government of, by and for the people, is the antithesis of "strong man" autocracy (literally government of, by and for one's self). When the "strong man", however noble his or her goals, makes the rules and up ends the laws of the people we are in a dictatorship. Dictatorships may be of the political right or left but they are never a democracy. By definition a Dictator imposes the rules of government, the definitions of right and wrong behavior. Government by a Dictator imposes restrictions or allows license at the whim of the Dictator. We all know how that goes whether it was the show trials and purges under Stalin in Russia, the state sanctioned murders and repression under Mussolini and Franco, the murders of Jews, gays, the disabled, Roma, socialists and communists under Hitler, Mao's Cultural Revolution or Pol Pot's Killing Fields.

In the United States we have periodically faced calls for dictatorship. For all the superficial gloss of "states' rights" our Civil War was about a dictatorship that allowed enslavement of human beings simply because of their skin color. Dictatorship by slave owners, after the 13th and 14th Amendments, morphed into dictatorship by corporate magnates who denied workers their basic rights and commodities speculators who denied farmers fair prices for their produce. Calls for right wing dictatorship produced the ultimately thwarted "Business Coup" of 1934. Over the last century and a half corporate dictatorship and monopoly practices have had few setbacks to their growth and no restraints whatever since the 1970s and the farrago of "supply-side economics". This right wing corporate Fascism has brought great wealth to the few and stagnant wages, ever increasing debt and calls for a strong man to right the wrongs that strong men have imposed. The most laughable, were it even slightly funny, argument is that "a business man" would right the wrongs that "business men" have imposed on the middle class.

All of the Marvel heroes come equipped with doubts about their actions and worries about how they will be perceived. The super-villains who oppose them, however, make those heroes' actions necessary thus overcoming the heroes' doubts and worries. Let me say quite definitively that super-villains do exist. The 45th President of the United States, The Orange Führer, is one though about the least competent of the bunch. What is true of most super-villains is that they hide in the shadows. They send their support for Fascism through dark money paid into protected and untraceable accounts to fund right wing militias, white supremacist groups, foundations designed to put forward plausible but utterly false reports to confuse otherwise decent people about corporate depredations, pollution and climate change, evangelical religious organizations that teach falsehoods as writ from one god or other and always to fund the political campaigns of frauds and demagogues so vile that only distractions keep them from being laughed off the ballot.

Though I am certain that super-villains exist I am just as certain that super-heroes do not exist. The only way to resist the super-villains is through an educated and active people who cling to truth, science and decency toward their fellow men and women. We are all immigrants, early or late. We are all human beings regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, language or heritage. We are all Americans simply by the fact that we choose to live in this nation. We are all neighbors regardless of the distance, physical or philosophical, between us. We are all heirs to a history of greater and greater democracy. We deny all of those things by insisting on divisions, succumbing to hatreds and giving in to the Fascists who would dictate to us. 

No Superman or Luke Cage or Jessica Jones is going to rescue us from America's decades long slide toward Fascism. We, the people, collectively are powerful. Anyone who denies our power is looking to delude us for his or her own ends We, the people have proved our power several times over in Georgia over the last few months. We are and must be our own super-heroes. We are the only ones who can rescue ourselves.

Post Script: During the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U. S. Capitol a former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Larry Randall Brock, Jr., invaded the Senate Chamber in full tactical gear. He had previously been fired from the military for threatening and racist statements to airmen under his supervision. He also had posted messages on social media about taking members of Congress hostage and executing them. Mr. Brock wore, among other patches on his riot gear, a Texas flag over the skull logo of The Punisher, one of the Marvel series discussed above.

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